The Day of the Unexpected
A day of unexpected happenings around Penarth and a warm up to the festival weekend. Join us at 17:00 in Belle Vue Park for ‘Strange Weather’ a spectacularly silly outdoor circus performance. The sunshine tries to steal the spotlight, but the wind and rain are never far away. A wild outdoor show, featuring synchronised swimming slugs and snowfall in summer. Nature puts on a showstopper performance.
At 19:30pm in the Pagent Rooms we are delighted to present The Rest of Our Lives, an award winning show from George Fuller and Jo Fong Hopefully hopeful, The Rest of Our Lives is a cabaret of life and near death. A joyful morning dose of dance, circus and games. Two middle-aged lives come together in an eclectic, spontaneous, predictable and random decline. Jo is an old dancer, George an old clown. They are international artists with 100 years of life experience between them, armed with a soundtrack of floor-fillers and a sprinkling of eco-friendly optimism. It’s the beginning of the end, but they’re still here.